Monday Morning Motivation - Maze Accountants Banstead - 020 8643 9633

Monday Morning Motivation

Hey Folks, how about this for some Monday Morning Motivation?
“To Be Successful, The First Thing To Do Is Fall In Love With Your Work.”

A lot of the general population say that they hate Mondays and that the weekend is not long enough! But that is mainly because they have not “fallen in love with their work”. Or quite simply they are doing a job that they are not interested in. It just doesn’t “float their boat” or get them going. Do you jump out of bed on a Monday morning, keen to get to work?

As the quote above says, to be successful you need to love what you do. And if you don’t love what you do, then you won’t have the passion and you won’t have the drive to make it a success.

Monday Morning Motivation - How Does Monday morning make you feel?

Many people start a business because they have a passion for a hobby, helping the local community or another reason. It doesn’t really matter what the reason is behind starting the business. The key ingredient is they have PASSION for what they do. If you are passionate about your business – your products or services that will give you drive to make your business a success.

Of course, it is always sensible to make sure that it is a viable business. And Maze Accountants can help you with that. We can help you work out your costs – overheads, cost of sale, manufacturing costs, packaging and so on. And that’s where our passion lies – we really love helping new businesses get off the ground and to become a successful business.

We Love What We Do!

It’s simple, we love what we do – and – if you love what you do, we can help you to love it more (is that even possible?) by guiding you to a profitable business model.

Our clients use us because we are qualified, knowledgeable, serious (yet fun) and we will change your mind about stereotypical accountants. Because we are not stereotypical accountants. We still get the job done but we also have fun – and that rhymes. So why not find out why it “pays to be with Maze” – that also rhymes.


This was written at just after 9am on a Monday morning. Why? Well, I was thinking about Monday mornings and how the majority of people appear to respond to Monday mornings. Negatively!

We all have bills to pay and whilst the majority of people don’t really look forward to Monday mornings, they know they’ve got to get to work, to earn the money, to pay the bills.

So, how could you change your perception of Monday mornings? How could you be passionate about your work? What’s your drive and motivation for getting out the door and getting to work?

Do you need some help with your Monday Morning Motivation – or more specifically your business accounts (no matter what sort of mess they may be in) then you are more than welcome to contact Maze Accountants on 020 8643 9633.

We are based in Banstead, Surrey – previously in Sutton and we look after many local individuals and businesses. Our range of accountancy services are listed here.