2017 – It’s only 12 weeks away!!!
Please don’t hate me for pointing out that 2017 is nearly here! But if you’re running a small to medium sized business, you need to make sure that you are prepared and not just prepared but have you got a plan in place?
Is your plan to remain steady or do you plan for growth in your business? Which challenges have arisen in 2016 and are they in your power to try to avoid in 2017? Have you experienced growth in 2016 and was it planned or did it “just happen”? Are there areas that your business can improve on? Have you been measuring activity in your business successfully? With growth plans are you factoring associated cost management too? There are obviously far more question that you need to answer than these few, however, I hope they give you initial food for thought if you haven’t given them consideration as yet.
If you haven’t already, we suggest that you put some time aside to make sure you have at least a basic plan in place that you can build on over the next few weeks. Be disciplined about it. Consider it as a meeting with a client and properly allocate the time to construct your plan (or review and revise if you already have a plan in place). It is an important part of running your business but many small businesses get “bogged down” in the everyday tasks of operating the business.
By being prepared, and having a plan in place now, you can hit the ground running when 2017 slaps us in the face, saying “I’m here”. It is only 12 weeks away and that time can go by in a flash – especially with the run up to Christmas (as we all know – that can be hectic).
So, get planning and if you need help, advice and support, please feel free to contact us.